Egyptian actress Ghada Abd Al Raziq has criticized the decision to nominate Syrian actress Sulaf Fawakhirji for the role of ‘Shajarat Al Dur’ in a new television drama. Ghada stated that it would have been more appropriate to have the role played by an Egyptian actress or an Arab actress that has more talent and acting capabilities. Ghada stressed that she strongly resents choosing Sulaf, especially after she failed in the television drama “Cleopatra”, which presented last year. Ghada said that the character of ‘Shajarat Al Dur’ needs an actress that is very competent. Ghada went on to say that Egyptian actresses Elham Shaheen or Laila Elwi should have been nominated for the role instead of Sulaf, especially since they have a very rich history of taking on roles that require great acting talents. Ghada also considered Tunisian actress Hind Sabri as someone who would play the role to its extent and does not understand the insistency of the producing company of the drama on choosing Sulaf. ‘Shajart Al Dur’ is written by Yusri Al Jundi and stars Sulaf. Sulaf’s nomination for the role gave rise to great criticism especially after the Radio and Television Union’s decision to not nominate foreign actors for Egyptian television dramas and give the nominations for Egyptians actors in the light of the deteriorating conditions in Egypt. Makers of the drama insisted on keeping their nomination of Sulaf especially after she agreed to cut her wage in half.