We\'ve all seen the hilarious moment Haifa Wehbe got pranked on Ramez Jalal\'s prank show “Ramez Ankh Amon” last week. And who could forget the endless amount of swear bombs and ass-kicking that came out of her once she found out that the terrifying tomb lock-in was nothing but a trick! But some people were more offended by Haifa\'s rude behavior than others – even more than Ramez himself – and have decided to go one step further in punishing her. Egyptian lawyer Abdelhamid Shaalan has filed a lawsuit against the singer, demanding that she\'s denied entry into Egypt. Shaalan told Sayidaty.net that Haifa was extremely exaggerated in her reactions, and showed an ugly face that no one had ever seen before. “How could she have insulted an Egyptian artist in the way she did, while she lives in Egypt and has earned her fame through them? Egyptians have been nothing but loving towards her, is this how she repays them?” the lawyer said. Sayidaty.net argued that Haifa\'s reaction was expected after such a prank, but Shaalan responded that he isn\'t defending what Ramez did, as humiliating big stars on such a ridiculous show is wrong; but that Haifa\'s reaction was too over the top, and his lawsuit is purely to look out for a fellow Egyptian, regardless of who he is. Mr. Hot Shot is so mad that he even threatened to sue the Artists Union if they did not take any action against Haifa as well.