David Letterman dedicated a \"Late Show\" Top 10 list to Canadian pop star Justin Bieber, who threw up onstage last weekend. Letterman read \"Things Overheard When Justin Bieber Urped\" on Tuesday\'s edition of \"Late Show.\" It read as follows -- 10. \"I guess that wasn\'t lip-synched.\" 9. \"Shhh... I know this song.\" 8. \"First Bieber fever, now Bieber intestinal virus.\" 7. \"Baby, baby, baby... ewwwww.\" 6. \"Somebody get some Pepto-Bieber.\" 5. \"In my day, rock stars played instruments while they threw up.\" 4. \"It\'s like \'The Exorcist\' but with creepier music.\" 3. \"I think his voice just changed again.\" 2. \"Still less embarrassing than when he walked into a revolving door.\" 1. \"I think he just bit off the head of a bat.\"