Rapper Lil Wayne confirmed he is epileptic and said he \"could\'ve died\" when he was laid low by a series of seizures in Los Angeles two weeks ago. \"I\'m an epileptic, so I\'m prone to seizures,\" the 30-year-old hip-hop star told Los Angeles radio station Power 106 Thursday. \"This isn\'t my first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh seizure. I\'ve had a bunch of seizures. Y\'all just never hear about it. \"It got real bad because I got three [seizures] in a row, and on the third one my heart rate went down to, like, 30 percent,\" he said. \"Basically, I could\'ve died soon. That\'s why it was so serious.\" The rapper also said too much work and not enough sleep -- not drug use as has been reported in the media -- are to blame for bringing on the seizures that left him hospitalized. Lil Wayne did not confirm or deny reports, first posted by TMZ, that he had been in a medically induced coma after the health crisis earlier this month. The rapper\'s representatives and friends had insisted his condition was not as dire as reported. He was released from the hospital six days after he was admitted. People.com said the musician is to begin a multi-city US concert tour to promote his 10th studio album, \"I Am Not a Human Being II,\" in July.