\"The X Factor\" host Mario Lopez tied the knot with Courtney Mazza during a beachfront wedding in Punta Mita, Mexico, the couple announced. The ceremony took place Saturday at the home of \"Girls Gone Wild\" creator, Joe Francis, in front of more than 150 guests, People magazine reported. The couple\'s 2-year-old daughter and Lopez\'s three nieces served as flower girls, while one of Lopez\'s best friends, actress Eva Longoria, walked down the aisle as a bridesmaid, E! News reported. \"Cake Boss\" star Buddy Valastro created a winter-wonderland-meets-beach-themed chocolate and red velvet cake for the celebration, People said. A mariachi band performed to complete the fiesta-themed wedding. TLC filmed the wedding, which will be featured in a television special, \"Mario & Courtney\'s Wedding Fiesta,\" scheduled to air Dec. 8.