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Scientology officials arranged an elaborate vetting process for possible girlfriends for Tom Cruise before he married Katie Holmes, sources told Vanity Fair. Actresses who were Scientology members were called in by the church under the pretense of auditioning for a training video and were asked their thoughts about Cruise. Marc Headley, a Scientologist who watched the videos, said whomever dated Cruise would not only have to please the actor, but also "toe the line for Scientology." "You can't do anything to displease Scientology, because Tom Cruise will freak out," he said. Nazanin Boniadi, an Iranian-born, London-raised actress, was selected to date Cruise between November 2004 and January 2005. A source, whose name was not reported, told Vanity Fair Boniadi had to sign a confidentiality agreement and was told if she messed up, she was be declared a suppressive person, an enemy of Scientology. The source said Cruise was offended by Boniadi when she told him "Very well done," for receiving Scientology's Freedom Medal of Valor. The phrasing implied Cruise was her junior. The actor later broke up with her through Scientology officials, Vanity Fair reported. The article also reveals Holmes' prenuptial agreement with Cruise filled five bankers boxes and Martin Holmes' attempts to keep his daughter away from Scientology before daughter Suri was born.