Cairo - Arab Today
Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Razek seems to be quickly following in the steps of Lebanese singer and serial-bride Sabah. In a shocking reveal, Ghada announced that she\'s now married for the fourth time around! The news came out of the blue, as she\'s only gotten divorced from hubby #3 a short few months ago. The new hubby is Haitham Zinta, who was the camera crew director of her latest Ramadan show “Hekayet Hayat” (Hayat\'s Story). Ghada didn\'t intend on revealing this lil secret of hers, had it not been for “Ain” Newspaper who asked her whether she was afraid Hayat\'s Story\'s director, Mohammad Sami, would tell on her. In response to their question, she said: “At least I get married and then do “it,” unlike him.” Ghada went back to talking about her ongoing problems with Sami, who she said led to discovering other people\'s true colors; such as Ahmad Zaher who didn\'t appreciate what she\'d said done Sami, and Majid Al Masri who asked Sami to stop filming the show. Turns out, one of the reasons Ghada and Sami were fighting all those months was Haitham. Her now-husband had at the time ordered the cast and crew to stop filming, which drove Sami over the edge. Sami was attacked throughout the series of arguments with Ghada, which gave him a concussion.