Popular Israeli singer Margalit Tzanani was arrested by police for alleged ties to a local mobster and extorting a music agent over a debt, police said. The Rishon Lezion Magistrates court Wednesday extended Tzanani's remand for an additional nine days, Israel Radio reported. On Tuesday, Tzanani, 58, and several members of the alleged crime organization headed by mob kingpin Amir Mulner were arrested. Police said Tzanani , who also plays a judge on the Israeli TV series "Star is Born," accused her agent, Assaf Atadegi, of failing to pay a debt and allegedly turned to members of Mulner's organization to help resolve the dispute, The Jerusalem Post reported. Israel Radio said police suspect Tzanani approached other underworld figures. Police suspect Tzanani believed Atadegi also owed her royalties from a young singer they represent who appeared on the talent show series, Ynetnews.com reported. Tzanani allegedly admitted she hired an arbitrator to settle the disagreement, but said it was done in full agreement with Atadegi, Ynetnews.com said. The Web site said Tzanani denied the charges and told police she did not hire criminals and is not familiar with the underworld. Tuesday's arrest culminated a two-month undercover investigation by the National Economic Crimes Unit and Lahav 433, which allegedly had members of Mulner's organization and Tzanani under surveillance, the Post said.