Pakistani fighter jets

Pakistani fighter jets have killed 22 terrorist in North Waziristan tribal region, the military said on Sunday.

The major operation against the Taliban and other militant groups has been intensified in North Waziristan, bordering Afghanistan.

Nearly 3,000 militants have been killed and over 90 percent areas have been cleared since the offensive had been launched in June last year.

"In aerial strikes 22 terrorists were killed and six of their hideouts destroyed in area close to Pak-Afghan border ahead of Datta Khel late last night," an army statement said.

The remnant Taliban fighters have fled to the rugged mountains to avoid aerial bombing, according to the military officials. The fighter jets are now focusing on the mountains to clear the remaining pockets of the Taliban.

Security officials said that many Pakistani Taliban militants have also crossed into Afghanistan and now operate from there.

The military launched the long-anticipated major offensive in North Waziristan in June last year against the Pakistani Taliban, who were blamed for most of the attacks in Pakistan.

The army chief General Raheel Sharif, who visited the region last month, said the operation code-named "Zarb-e-Abab" is almost in its final stage.

Source: XINHUA