Iraqi security forces advance during fighting against Islamic State militants in the western side of Mosul, Iraq, Saturday, Feb. 25. 2017 (Photo: AP)

A senior commander says Iraqi militarized police have captured a neighborhood on the western side of Mosul amid fierce clashes with Islamic State militants.


Maj. Gen. Haider al-Maturi of the Federal Police Commandos Division told The Associated Press that his troops entered the Tayaran neighborhood Sunday morning and it is now "under their full control."

Al-Maturi said IS militants deployed at least 10 suicide car bombs, but nine of them were blown up before reaching their targets. The 10th killed two policemen and wounded five. Al-Maturi added that his forces arrested two militants — an Iraqi and a foreigner who speaks Russian.

Iraqi forces, backed by aerial support by the U.S.-led international coalition, control eastern Mosul. Iraq's second largest city is split roughly in half by the Tigris River

Source: Ahram online