Daesh terrorist group

Daesh terrorist group suffered heavy losses after Syrian opposition forces attacked them in Rif Damascus and eastern Qalamoun areas, Syrian activists told Sky News Arabia on Sunday.

The clashes are now focused in Al Mahsa area to control it, the activists said, adding that the Free Syrian Army expelled Daesh from Rif Damascus and As Suwayda areas. 

Al Mahsa area is considered the last stronghold of the terrorist group in the area.

Earlier, Russian warplanes launched 10 airstrikes that targeted the Syrian-Turkish borders, sources in Syria.

The raids targeted positions around Babsiqa and a headquarters of Jaysh al Islam near Turkey's border.

Meanwhile, clashes erupted between Daesh terrorist group and the Free Syrian Army around Al Mahsa area in an attempt to control the area and expel Daesh militants, military sources said.

Also, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said 13 Daesh terrorists were killed during US-led intensive air strikes that targeted al Tabqah city in Raqqah governorate.

Source: MENA