Executive Director of UNICEF Anthony Lake condemned the attacks on a bus convoy

Executive Director of UNICEF Anthony Lake condemned the attacks on a bus convoy on Saturday outside Syria's Aleppo. He said in a statement "after six years of war and human carnage in Syria ... six years of heartbreak for so many Syrian families... there comes a new horror that must break the heart of anyone who has one. More than 60 children reportedly killed in an attack on a bus convoy outside Aleppo. A convoy of families who for so long had already known so much suffering. Now the survivors must bear such a new and terrible loss." The UNICEF must draw from this a determination to reach all the innocent children throughout Syria, he said, hopping that all those with power to end this war According to reports, scores of people, including at least 60 children were killed in the devastating explosion that hit the convoy of buses in which some 5,000 people were evacuating from Foah and Kefraya to Government-controlled areas. 
In the aftermath of the attack, humanitarian organizations, including the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and UN partners, are providing assistance to the injured, including transferring them to hospitals. The evacuation from besieged towns was a part of an agreement, popularly referred to as the "Four Towns" Agreement meant to facilitate humanitarian access to the people in need in those besieged towns. In addition to Foah and Kefraya in Idlib, the Agreement also includes Madaya and Zabadani in rural Damascus.

Source: QNA