The UN Security Council votes unanimously

The UN Security Council on Monday unanimously called for UN officials and others to observe the evacuation of people from the last opposition-held enclave in Aleppo and monitor the safety of civilians who remain in the Syrian city.
The 15-member council overcame long-held divisions — that have pitted Syrian ally Russia and China against Western powers over the Syrian conflict — to adopt a French-drafted resolution calling for UN officials and others “to carry out adequate, neutral monitoring and direct observation on evacuations.”
The recapture of Aleppo has left thousands of people stuck in the last opposition bastion in the city’s east amid accusations by the United Nations and Western powers of atrocities against civilians by pro-government forces.
UN Syria mediator Staffan de Mistura announced on Monday he intended to convene peace talks in Geneva on Feb. 8. Thousands of people were evacuated from eastern Aleppo on Monday.
The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said it was hoped the presence of monitors would deter crimes against civilians as they leave Aleppo or against those who choose to stay in the city.
“Of course the Syrian government doesn’t want more monitors,” Power said. “If you’re doing bad things you don’t want monitors around to watch you doing them.”
The Security Council reached consensus on a text on Sunday after several hours of negotiations. Russia had planned to veto the original French draft over concerns about sending UN monitors unprepared into “the ruins of eastern Aleppo,” UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said.
Russia wanted UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to arrange security for UN monitors to enter eastern Aleppo “in coordination” with interested parties, meaning the Syrian government. The council agreed that such arrangements would be made “in consultation” with interested parties.
“We keep contact with our Syrian colleagues here all the time ... they did not raise any serious objections to what we delivered,” Churkin told reporters ahead of the vote.
Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said the adopted resolution was already “part of our continued daily efforts,” but he also described it as “just another part of the continued propaganda against Syria and its fight against terrorists” — a term it uses for all groups fighting Assad.

Source: Arab News