Tunis – Hayat El Ghanmy
Tunisian public prosecution released 3
Syrian families on finishing the investigations with them ,after they were caught by security units and National Guard trying to enter Tunisia asking for asylum.The members of these families confirmed that they aren’t involved with any terrorist group ,therefore they were released ,but on hold for a final decision.
The number of Syrian refugees entering Tunisia illegally through borders with Algeria and Libya ,is increasing due to the security tension in Syria .Security unites in Kef city arrested a 6 members Syrian family trying to enter Tunisia illegally through an Algerian smuggler in exchange of some money. The family was questioned and immediately released according to a source.
Most of the refugees either running from the regime or trying to support the National Free Army by different ways like begging in mosques and markets. The Tunisian authorities gave the Syrians the right to benefit public health services and gave the children the right to attend schools, along with social aids.
Trending Syrian refugees images which show their suffering on social media ,made a pressure on the Tunisian government to participate in the international effort exerted to host more refugees on its lands. During the Arab Spring ,Tunisia received thousands of Libyan refugees who are still in the country. The Tunisian Foreign Ministry announced that it can not receive any more refugees because of the bad economic situation facing the country.
Despite the large number of the Syrian refugees in Tunisia, there is no official data indicating their actual number.

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